Dog or cat itches: causes and how to help?

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Itching is a common symptom in dermatology. You can tell that your dog or cat is itching by changes in behavior. The pet starts licking itself nervously, biting itself, rubbing against various objects, or shaking its head.

Animal itching: what causes it?

If a dog or cat is itching more than usual, there is a high probability that a dermatological problem has appeared. There are 3 groups of factors that cause itching in animals:

  • Parasites. Most pet owners deny that fleas can bother their pets because they have never noticed them. But the fact is that a flea, having bitten an animal, moves to the external environment. If your pet shakes his head and scratches his ears, you should check him for an ear mite.
  • Skin infections. Fungal and bacterial flora can multiply on the skin, especially when its protective properties are reduced. Pyoderma is a common skin lesion characterized by boils, nodules, inflammation of hair follicles, and alopecia. There is also a type of dermatitis, malassezia, in which the skin surface is affected by a yeast fungus, which makes it itchy, inflamed, and discolored.
  • Allergic reaction or hypersensitivity. The animal's body often reacts hypersensitively to flea saliva: allergic dermatitis occurs. It can also be atopic - when the immune system overreacts to environmental or feed components.

When scratching, the animal often breaks the skin with its claws, which can lead to ulcers and additional infection.

What to do if your pet is itching?

You do not need to diagnose your pet on your own, treat it with folk remedies or medications purchased at a regular pharmacy. Only a dermatologist can find out the exact cause. Bring your pet to Animal Clinic.

The doctor will conduct an examination, take blood or a scrape from the skin surface for laboratory diagnostics. Based on the results of the examination, the cause of the itching will become clear, and an effective treatment will be prescribed.

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