5 frequently asked questions about animal blood transfusion

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Having added blood transfusion for cats and dogs to the list of Animal Clinic services, we want you to know more about this procedure. That is why we offer you to read the answers to the most frequently asked questions about hemotransfusion.

1. How is hemotransfusion performed?

First, the basic vital signs of the animal requiring transfusion are checked. The veterinarian measures temperature, blood pressure, pulse, and respiratory rate.

Next, blood products compatible with the patient's blood are prepared. Specialists check that they are free of suspension and flakes. The substance is heated to the animal's body temperature. The frozen component is thawed beforehand. A filter is used to prevent clots from entering the bloodstream.

The hemotransfusion begins with a bioassay: a small volume of the component is injected within 15 minutes. Veterinarians evaluate the indicators and, if everything is fine, continue the procedure. There are 3 ways to perform a blood transfusion:

  • Gravity.
  • Syringe method.
  • Using an infusion pump.

The method is chosen individually in each case.

2. What animal can become a donor?

There are the following conditions for blood donation:

  • The animal is clinically healthy, previously examined for chronic viral diseases.
  • Age: 2-8 years old.
  • Weight: over 20 kg for dogs, 3 kg and more for cats.
  • The donor is vaccinated against viral infections.
  • In dogs, up to 22 ml/kg of blood is taken, in cats - up to 15 ml/kg.

3. Why is a transfusion of whole blood prescribed in one case and its individual components in another?

For effective use of blood products after collection, the liquid is divided into the following components

  1. Red blood cell mass. It is administered to eliminate anemia and to increase blood oxygen saturation.
  2. Plasma. It is administered when there is a deficiency of clotting factors. The product is relevant if there is intense bleeding, hypoproteinemia (kidney, liver, gastrointestinal diseases). It is administered to patients with DIC, viral diseases, and pets poisoned with coumarin.

A veterinarian makes the decision to transfuse whole blood when a patient loses a large volume of blood during surgery or trauma. Whole blood is transfused without delay, as clotting factors cease to be effective after 4 hours.

4. Do cats and dogs have blood groups?

Yes. There are 8 blood groups in dogs. Ideal donors are those with the DEA1 group, as this blood has the most pronounced antigenic properties.

Cats have 3 blood types. There is no universal one among them, so before a transfusion, it is necessary to determine the group or make a cross-test. Cats have a natural mechanism for producing antibodies to other blood types.

5. Where in Kyiv is a blood transfusion performed for an animal?

In Kyiv, blood transfusions for dogs and cats are performed by veterinarians at Animal Clinic, 9 Knyazhyi Zaton Street. Do you live in the Kyiv region? Please contact our branches at the following addresses: Borova, 5/2 Ivan Franko St.; Sofiyivska Borshchahivka, 44 Boholyubova St.

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