3 myths about animal surgery in the heat

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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When it comes to a certain planned surgical intervention, many pet owners start to wonder when it is better to operate on their pets. If you decide to consult with friends or relatives, you may hear misconceptions about surgeries during the heat wave. The experts of the Animal Clinic network of veterinary centers decided to dispel the most common ones.

Myth 1: The healing process takes longer in summer

This statement is not true. Many of the operations are non-invasive, so there are no traces of the lesions quickly. Scientists have proved that dry and warm air are factors of rapid wound healing. The fact is that warm air accelerates blood circulation in the affected area, so it gets enough oxygen and nutrients, which has a positive effect on tissue regeneration.

In addition, rehabilitation in summer is faster and easier due to the abundance of sunlight. Short-term exposure to the rays activates the synthesis of vitamins by the animal's body, and recovery is accelerated. Moderate insolation strengthens the pet's immune system. That is, in summer, the conditions for surgical intervention are favorable.

Myth 2. The risk of infection increases with the onset of heat

When it is hot, pathogenic microflora really multiplies faster than in cooler weather. The warm environment can contribute to wound infection. However, animal guardians have nothing to fear if:

  • The operation is performed under sterile conditions and with sterilized instruments.
  • The surgeon gave advice on how to care for the operated area.
  • The owner of the animal is not lazy and follows all the recommendations: he changes the bandages in a timely manner and treats the wound with a disinfectant.

Such precautions minimize and sometimes eliminate the risk of infection associated with veterinary surgery.

Myth 3. Summer surgeries are more difficult for animals

If doctors examine the patient before surgery, accurately determine the safe dose of anesthetic and create a microclimate in the operating room that is optimal for maintaining vital signs, the patient will feel good.

This is how the team of specialists takes care of the surgery at Animal Clinic. If you think it's too hot at home and you can't cope with the careful care of your pet, it can stay in our cozy hospital until it recovers completely.

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