The secret of a snow-white pet smile

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Plaque accumulates very quickly on the teeth of animals. If it is not removed in a timely manner, it will not only lead to a deterioration in the aesthetics of the appearance, but also to the formation of tartar. Hard plaque injures the gums and exposes the neck of the tooth, which leads to the development of stomatitis, caries, and periodontal disease.

The animal's breath starts to smell bad, and it refuses to eat because of the pain. The general condition worsens: from a cheerful pet, it turns into an apathetic one. Fortunately, there are ways to avoid this.

Home brushing is a basic part of pet care

We recommend removing plaque from your pet's teeth mechanically every two days, i.e. brushing. For this purpose, there are special brushes, pastes, and gels. There are several important rules for home care:

  • Buy tools for the hygiene procedure according to the size of the animal. Brushes come in different shapes and sizes. There are even finger brushes. You can alternate classic cleaning with care with special wipes.
  • Choose the right diet. Many caregivers neglect this point. The best for clean and healthy teeth is dry food: large enough granules for easy biting. It is ideal when the particles have a fibrous texture that helps cleanse.
  • Use toys and treats with a cleansing effect.

Regular home teeth cleaning will help to avoid many dental problems. It is better to accustom your pet to the procedure from an early age. If your pet has come to you as an adult or you have never brushed its teeth and you notice tartar on the enamel, you should consult a veterinarian.

Professional ultrasonic teeth cleaning is a guarantee of cleanliness and aesthetics of the oral cavity

Do you take responsible care of your pet's teeth? Then you can visit your veterinarian for an ultrasonic cleaning procedure once a year. It is performed with a special device - a scaler. With the help of it and various attachments, the doctor will achieve perfect enamel cleanliness within 20-60 minutes.

The procedure is performed under anesthesia, so before it, you must undergo laboratory blood tests: biochemical and clinical. Before ultrasonic cleaning, the animal should be hungry for about 8-12 hours. The secret of your pet's snow-white smile is simple: your care combined with modern technologies of Animal Clinic.

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