Ultrasound of the pelvic organs in males

Ultrasonography of the testes can detect hernia, neoplasms, epidemics, and torsion of the testis. This type of examination also helps veterinarians diagnose testicular hypoplasia/atrophy. Testicular ultrasound is indicated for pets with:

  • Testes that are enlarged in size.
  • Infertility.
  • Swelling of the scrotum.
  • Trauma in the examined area.
  • A testicle that has not been dropped into the scrotum.
  • Blood in the semen and / or urine.
  • Painful sensations when palpating the testicles.

The procedure is performed transabdominally: through the outer abdominal wall. It involves shaving the hair in the area under examination with a clipper. An acoustic gel is applied to the skin with which the transducer will be in contact.

Ultrasonography of the prostate gland

In addition to the above, there are the following indications for prostate ultrasonography:

  • Benign prostatic hyperplasia.
  • Pain in the prostate area.
  • The presence of leukocytes in the urine, according to the results of the analysis.
  • Detection of pus, bacteria, spherules, atypical cells in the urine.
  • Pathological spermogram.
  • Disorders of urination.
  • Complete cessation of urine flow into the bladder.
  • Change in gait, not provoked by musculoskeletal disorders.
  • Painful defecation and its delay.

We recommend an ultrasound of the prostate gland for all uncastrated males over 5 years of age. As a preparatory measure, it is necessary to observe a fasting diet for 8-10 hours, while access to water can be free. Prostate ultrasonography is performed transabdominally and/or transrectally with a full bladder.

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(044) 333 95 63. We will answer all your questions and choose the most convenient time for your visit!

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