
Cardioscopy — heart examination

This microsurgical study allows to consider internal structures of heart: its chambers, valves, papillary muscles. To do this, the best veterinarians of Kiev who work in Animal Clinic apply a cardioscope

For what and how the cardioscopy is carried out

This method of endoscopic diagnostics is in its complexity aligned with surgical intervention. It is carried out if the patient is suffering from such ailments as:

  • Heart aneurysm is a result of myocardial infarction and decreased elasticity of the affected tissue, which is manifested as the expansion of the cavity of the heart. Cardioscope helps doctors understand the extent of heart attacks after a patient's myocardial infarction.
  • Myocardium is a bacterial or viral inflammation of the muscle shell of the heart.
  • Endocarditis is an infectious disease of the valve apparatus, accompanied by the appearance of holes and rotted cells.
  • Cardiomiopathy is a disease characterized by non-inflammatory heart disease.
  • Congenital heart defects: defective interventricular septum or hole in the interanteral septum.
  • Heart problems that are caused by the internal heart shell, which causes the heart valves to narrow or develop their insufficiency.

When the animal is under general anesthesia, the tiny device of video office is subcutaneous into the bloodstream and is brought to the chambers of the heart. This allows you to view the heart cavities and valves in real time.

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