Veterinary clinic in Pechersk

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If your place of residence in Kyiv is the Pechersk district, our veterinary clinic is located at the intersection of Maria Priymachenko and Lesya Ukrainka boulevards, near the Druzhby Narodiv metro station.

The doors of our branch are open to all pets in need of qualified veterinary care. We use modern methods of diagnosis and treatment, providing each service at the highest level of US standards.

Range of services at the veterinary clinic in Pechersk

Has your pet's health deteriorated and you want to have it examined? Do you want to bring your pet for a scheduled procedure? Our veterinary clinic in Pechersk has all the necessary conditions to provide the following services:

  • Consultations.
  • Surgical treatment and minimally invasive operations.
  • Diagnostic measures.
  • Vaccinations.
  • Dental procedures.
  • Plasma therapy.
  • Treatment of injuries and orthopedic pathologies.
  • Complex hygiene procedures - grooming.

Like our other branches, the Pechersk veterinary clinic is a place where each patient is treated individually. Our specialists prescribe therapeutic measures only after a complete examination and accurate diagnosis.

If your pet is scheduled for a procedure that requires anesthesia, we will make a personalized dosage calculation based on the characteristics of its body.

Why choose our veterinary center in Pechersk district?

Our veterinary clinic in the Pechersk district has many advantages:

  • Convenient working hours.
  • Humane treatment of patients.
  • Availability of specialists of narrow specializations: ratologist and ornithologist.
  • The use of modern equipment.
  • he use of exclusively certified drugs.

Animal Clinic is always happy to help your four-legged friends: both routinely and urgently.

Our address: Fauna House, Druzhby Narodiv str. 10/36 M. Pryimachenko (L. Ukrainka 36/10), Zvirynetska metro station (Druzhby Narodiv metro station), Kyiv.

Our phone number: (044) 333 95 63

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Любі клієнти!

We continue to provide services at prices formed before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, despite the increase $ exchange rate and the increase in the price of consumables and medicines for us by 2.5 times. All for the sake of victory!