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  • A dog or cat's knee falls out: why does it happen and how can an orthopedic veterinarian help?

A dog or cat's knee falls out: why does it happen and how can an orthopedic veterinarian help?

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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The phrase "knee popping out" usually refers to a dislocation of the kneecap. It can move outward (laterally). It can also be displaced inward (medially). Most often, the pathology is bilateral and mostly medial.

In dogs, the disorder may be genetic in nature. It is common in Tauer, Chihuahua, Spitz, and Yorkshire Terrier. The dislocation can also be caused by trauma or axial curvature of the pelvic limbs. Lateral dislocation is characteristic of large and giant dog breeds. The following factors can cause a cat's knee to fall out:

  • Congenital dislocation due to improper joint formation. Persian and Himalayan cats, as well as Maine Coons, are prone to this pathology.
  • Diseases: rickets and osteoporosis.
  • Falls from a height.
  • Fighting with another animal.
  • Unsuccessful movement on a slippery surface.
  • Getting a limb stuck in a crevice.
  • A strong blow.
  • Careless handling of the animal.

If you notice that your pet is limping, it is better to take it to an Animal Clinic orthopedic veterinarian right away. The specialist will perform palpation and, if a patella dislocation is detected, will prescribe an X-ray. Since conservative therapy with anti-inflammatory drugs has a short-term effect, surgical treatment is necessary in case of dislocation of the patella.

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