Spring viral diseases of unvaccinated animals

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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In spring, viral diseases are common not only among humans but also among animals. Pets that have not been vaccinated in a timely manner or at all are at particular risk. In this article, the Animal Clinic team shares which viral diseases are the most common.

Adenovirus: 2 types of the virus

Adenoviruses are a large group of viruses consisting of type 1 and type 2 microorganisms. Infection occurs through contact with biological materials of an infected dog: feces, urine, saliva, etc. Symptoms depend on the type of pathogen:

  1. Adenovirus type 1 provokes a complex infectious disease that affects many organs and systems of the body. It is also called canine infectious hepatitis. A complicated type of the disease causes fever, refusal to eat, vomiting, diarrhea, yellowing of the mucous membranes, swelling of the limbs, and hemorrhages on the skin. These signs usually lead to an unfortunate outcome. An uncomplicated type of infection is manifested by lethargy, fever, inflamed tonsils, and abdominal pain.
  2. Adenovirus type 2 is the most common. It causes inflammation of the respiratory system and belongs to a complex of infectious respiratory diseases of dogs called kennel cough. Symptoms in the mild form are a wet or dry cough, nasal discharge. In case of complicated course, the body temperature rises, wheezing is heard when breathing, shortness of breath, fatigue from activity, loss of appetite and body weight appear.

Adenovirus is transmitted from dog to dog, often in places where these animals are crowded. All unvaccinated animals can become infected. Dogs under one year of age are particularly susceptible.

Leptospirosis - an infection dangerous for dogs and humans

Leptospirosis is an infectious bacterial disease that can affect mammals and therefore humans. Cats are the main carriers. The disease is characterized by a number of rapidly progressing processes: severe intoxication, liver, kidney, and nervous system damage, jaundice, and skin hemorrhages. The outcome can be fatal. The guardian can notice the dog's health problems by the following symptoms:

  • Darkening of the urine.
  • Yellowish mucous membranes.
  • Lethargy.
  • Thirstiness.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Refusal to eat.
  • Urination that has become more frequent.
  • Fever.

Even after recovery, which is possible only with a timely visit to the veterinarian, the dog's body continues to secrete dangerous bacteria. The guardian should disinfect the places where the pet is kept and walked and follow good hygiene practices.

Regular vaccination is the only effective method of protection against infection with the described viral diseases. Haven't had your four-legged friend vaccinated yet? We are waiting for you at Animal Clinic.

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