Vaccination of dogs and cats: vaccination calendar

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Did you know how many infectious diseases are the most popular types of pets? Dogs are at risk for hepatitis, carnivorous plague, leptospirosis and parvovirus. Cats are prone to viral rhinotracheitis, calcevirus infection, and feline panleukopenia.

Both animals can be infected with rabies. This means that owners of both dogs and cats should think about preventive vaccination. Take precautionary measures against diseases so as not to endanger your pet.

When to vaccinate a dog?

Dog vaccination calendar:

  • Up to 6 weeks, puppies and kittens receive strong antibodies from breast milk. But at risk of infection (when transporting puppies, collective maintenance, early weaning) - DP. Then you will need such DHPPi + Lepto vaccinations (in 2-3 weeks), and then DHPPi + Lepto + Rabies (in 3-4 weeks).
  • 6-8 weeks DHPPi + Lepto.
  • 9-12 weeks - DHPPi + Lepto; DHPPi + Lepto + R.
  • When permanent teeth grow, once a year - DHPPi + Lepto + R.

Focus on this decipherment of vaccine designations:

  • D - carnivorous plague.
  • H - hepatitis.
  • P - parvovirus infection.
  • Pi - parainfluenza.
  • Lepto - leptospirosis.
  • R (Rabies) - a sentence.

When to vaccinate a cat?

The cat vaccination calendar:

  • 6-8 weeks - FVRCP.
  • 9-12 weeks - FVRCP.
  • When permanent teeth grow, once a year - FVRCP + R.

Vaccine names:

  • FVR - respiratory viral infections.
  • C is a family of caliciviruses.
  • P - panleukopenia.
  • R (Rabies) - a sentence.

Rules before and after vaccination

The owner must remember these simple truths:

  • Only clinically healthy animals are allowed to be vaccinated.
  • It is important to deworm 10 days before vaccination. The rule should not be ignored, because helminths emit toxins that suppress the immune system, so the drug quickly ceases to protect the body.
  • Vaccination should be performed by a qualified veterinarian who has all the necessary antihistamines for pre-administration (diphenhydramine, suprastin, tavegil), as the negative consequences of vaccination cannot be ruled out: a life-threatening allergic reaction.

Complete information about vaccinations is recorded in the veterinary passport. Data such as the date of administration of the drug, its name, as well as the number in the vaccination journal play an important role in obtaining permission to participate in exhibitions and to transport the animal abroad.

Active immunity will appear in 2 weeks. Before that, you need to protect your pet from the risk of hypothermia: it is better not to walk on the street and do not bathe your pet.

In case of contact with an infected animal or already detected onset of the disease, you need to use hyperimmune sera - formed antibodies. They stop the development of viral diseases in dogs and cats. This serum provides 14-day passive immunity.

Do you want to vaccinate your cat or dog? Come to the Animal Clinic, where your pet will be prepared for vaccination and vaccinated against dangerous diseases.

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