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Animal ultrasound: why and how is it performed, how to prepare your pet?

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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An ultrasound is performed on an animal to assess the condition of its organs. This non-invasive examination method is prescribed by a veterinarian in the following cases:

  • It is difficult to determine the diagnosis.
  • There has been an injury - it is necessary to check for internal injuries.
  • There is a suspicion of a severe acute or chronic pathological process.
  • The need to control an acute inflammatory or oncological process.
  • The onset of diffuse age-related changes in the patient's internal organs.
  • Annual medical examination.
  • Pregnancy and postpartum diagnostics.
  • The need to evaluate the functioning and structure of the heart (echocardiography), thyroid gland, eye, head and neck vessels, pelvic organs, and urinary system.

An ultrasound examination of an animal is performed under anesthesia. A modern device emitting ultrasound waves is used. It is absolutely safe for your pet.

The veterinarian removes the hair in the area to be examined, applies a guide gel locally and runs a special sensor over it. After the procedure, the gel is washed off with a clean napkin. The examination usually takes up to 20 minutes.

Tips for the guardian: how to prepare a dog or cat for ultrasonography?

Before performing ultrasound diagnostics, it is important to follow a number of preparation rules to ensure that the procedure is successful:

  • 12-hour diet, but water can be given.
  • Use a gas-absorbing agent, such as espumizan. For large dogs - 2 capsules 3-4 times a day for two days. Small dogs and cats - 0.5 ml of espumizan L by mouth twice a day for two days, medium-sized dogs - 1 capsule 2 or 3 times a day for two days. This is necessary to ensure that the patient's stomach and intestines are free of gases that obstruct the visibility of internal organs.
  • If the abdominal cavity is to be examined, the intestines and stomach should be empty, i.e. make sure that the pet gets rid of feces.
  • Is a bladder examination planned? It should be moderately full. To do this, you do not need to walk your pet 6 hours before the visit to the veterinary center.

It is better to bathe the animal so that its skin is clean. Also, be prepared for the veterinarian to shave the patient's hair in the area to be examined. This is necessary for optimal visualization. Ultrasonography should be scheduled in advance to avoid wasting time sitting in line.

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