Obstetric care for dogs and cats: when is an obstetrician needed?

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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If your pet is giving birth for the first time and you don't have the appropriate skills to help her during labor, you need professional obstetric care. You need to seek the help of a qualified veterinary obstetrician. His knowledge and experience will be useful not only in the presence of pathology, but also in normal childbirth. Urgent veterinary intervention is relevant in such cases:

  • The female is in labor.
  • During pregnancy or with the onset of labor, red, brown, or green discharge appeared.
  • The animal has been pushing for more than 2 hours, but to no avail.
  • The labor activity is weak: long intervals between pushes, or they have stopped altogether.
  • It is not clear whether all the cubs were born.
  • Not all the litters came out after the birth.
  • There were dead puppies/kittens.

To ensure that childbirth goes smoothly and that your pet and her offspring survive, it is better to resort to obstetric care. Sometimes, the only possible solution is an obstetric surgery.

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