Pet skin redness: causes and help from a dermatologist

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Redness on the skin is one of the main symptoms of a dermatological disease in pets. Spots can be single or spread throughout the body.

Usually, red patches appear as a result of contact with an allergen, ectoparasite bites, licking or scratching. Allergic, parasitic, and mechanical dermatitis are treated in different ways. Also, redness on the pet's skin can be caused by autoimmune diseases, such as lupus erythematosus or lichen planus.

How should an animal be treated for redness on the skin?

Only a veterinarian can identify the cause of redness on the skin. In addition to the initial examination, a comprehensive diagnosis, including laboratory tests, will be required. At this stage, if the patient is concerned about severe itching, a medication that reduces this symptom may be prescribed. Depending on the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe treatment:

  • Application of products against external parasites (lice, fleas, ticks) to the animal's skin. For dogs, the most effective form of antiparasitic drugs is tablets. You will also need to treat the home.
  • Antibiotics and antifungal agents (shampoo, ointment, spray, medications), if bacterial and mycological growths, skin lesions with bacteria or fungus are detected and confirmed.
  • Exclusion of allergens from the diet if food allergy is confirmed.
  • Drug therapy if atopic dermatitis is diagnosed.
  • Immunosuppressive drugs - in case of autoimmune diseases: when the immune system perceives its own tissues as foreign and harms them.

Entrust the identification of the root cause of the problem to an Animal Clinic specialist, as a self-selected remedy without prior diagnosis will be ineffective.

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