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Osteochondrosis in dogs: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment. Veterinary clinic in Kyiv

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Osteochondrosis of the joints of the limbs is often recorded in dogs. The disease affects the normal formation of cartilage. Due to abnormal thickening, it cannot receive proper nutrients, so it becomes prone to damage.

The disease can be triggered by a genetic factor. Osteochondrosis and degenerative osteochondritis of the joints of various bones are often found in breeds such as Great Dane, Labrador retriever, Rottweiler.

The disease can also be caused by improper feeding: overfeeding or excessive amounts of minerals, especially calcium.

Signs of the disease

The most common symptom of osteochondrosis in dogs is lameness. It can be pronounced strongly or weakly. Lameness usually stops after rest, but is restored with the load on the affected paw. You should look for the following signs:

  • When sitting or standing, the dog tries not to load the affected leg: shifts the center of gravity, puts the limb to the side.
  • Due to reduced physical activity, the paw has become thinner, because the muscle mass has decreased.
  • In the supine position, the pet responds to your attempts to bend or align its limb by squealing or removing the paw - this indicates pain.

Clinical signs often appear in dogs 6-9 months old. Ignoring the problem leads to chronic lameness of the pet. Permanent pain reduces the quality of life of the dog.

How is the diagnosis made?

Diagnostics of osteochondrosis in a dog includes examination of the patient, as well as hardware studies. Most often, radiographic examination is enough to detect the disease.

Computed tomography and arthroscopy allow to get a more complete picture of abnormalities in the structure of articular cartilage. Our veterinary clinic in Kyiv performs diagnostic procedures humanely and efficiently.

Treatment of osteochondrosis in dogs

To return the normal functioning of the limb and eliminate pain allows timely surgical intervention. During the operation, fragments of dead cartilage tissue are removed. The surface of the joint is subjected to grinding, which promotes the release of stem cells for further replacement of cartilage tissue in the affected area.

Our veterinary clinic offers a comprehensive approach to the treatment of osteochondrosis. Qualified orthopedic veterinarians will help your pet recover from the surgery by conducting special physiotherapy sessions. Make an appointment to Animal Clinic by calling the numbers listed on the website.

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