The Animal Clinic network of veterinary centers is 5 years old!

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Once upon a time, a team of specialists who wanted to change the level of Ukrainian veterinary medicine for the better decided to combine their knowledge and efforts. This dream began to come true on April 20, 2018, when Animal Clinic was founded.

All this time, we have been working hard: we take professional care of your pets and help each of them to survive in the fight for good health. However, for more than a year now, another struggle has been going on - a full-scale war, during which we have chosen not to stand aside. Many of the birthday celebrants annually summarize their results. This year ours looks like this:

  • We performed more than 1300 free surgeries for animals and provided them with postoperative support.
  • We delivered more than 15,000 kg of feed to the "hot" areas where there are still many animals.
  • We have provided and continue to provide discounts for the military: -50%.
  • We provided a 50% discount on spay/neuter in our network clinics located in Kyiv and Sofiyivska Borshchahivka.
  • We introduced a 70% discount for spay/neuter in Borova.
  • We made a 50% discount on the cost of rabies vaccination in Borova.
  • Conducted free appointments and ultrasounds for the "I Am Mariupol" charity fund.
  • We opened a new branch in Pechersk.

This year was a difficult one. But our medical and volunteer activities continue! We are developing and improving our service for you and your pets. We sincerely thank each of our clients for choosing Animal Clinic.

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We continue to provide services at prices formed before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, despite the increase $ exchange rate and the increase in the price of consumables and medicines for us by 2.5 times. All for the sake of victory!