Discount coupon for residents of Mariupol

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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Residents of Mariupol, welcome to Kyiv. We hope that your stay in the capital will be comfortable and peaceful for you. Thank you for taking care of your furry friends and evacuating with them. We want to support you with a discount on services at Animal Clinic branches.

This coupon gives:

  • Free vet appointment and ultrasound.
  • 20% of the amount in the check for cleaning the animal's teeth, as well as castration, sterilization and other surgical interventions.

Contact our veterinary centers at:

  • M. Kyiv, str. Princely Zaton, 9;
  • S. Sofiivska Borshchahivka, str. Bogolyubova, 44;
  • SMT Borova, str. Ivan Franko, 5/2.

Pre-registration — by numbers:

  • (044) 333 95 63.
  • (067) 333 95 63.
  • (063) 333 95 63.
  • (066) 333 95 63.
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Любі клієнти!

We continue to provide services at prices formed before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, despite the increase $ exchange rate and the increase in the price of consumables and medicines for us by 2.5 times. All for the sake of victory!