What are the dangers of home surgery for animals?

Автор: Animal Сlinic
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If you needed surgery, would you prefer to have it done at home or in a clinic? Don't rush to answer. A familiar environment is the only advantage of this decision. In this article, we have provided arguments in favor of the fact that all surgical interventions for pets should be performed exclusively in a veterinary clinic.

Risks for animals during surgery at home

Not only complex surgical interventions, but even such basic operations as spaying or neutering should not be performed at home. This is because home invasive procedures are associated with great risks:

  1. Getting pathogenic microflora into the wound. At Animal Clinic, we follow all the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. Operating rooms are regularly disinfected, instruments are sterilized at high temperatures, which leaves no chance for bacteria and viruses. It is unlikely that your kitchen table and the surrounding space are as sterile.
  2. Risks of complications during or after surgery. Even during castration, something can go wrong. The operating room has everything you need to stop the bleeding. If the animal is on the surgical table and anaphylaxis occurs, the heart rhythm is disturbed, or the body temperature drops, it is easy to determine and normalize the body condition, because the patient is connected to equipment that displays vital signs. The monitor is turned off only after the cat or dog wakes up. To make sure that the animal is completely normal, it is transferred to a postoperative hospital. Your apartment does not have the necessary conditions to monitor the animal's condition and provide emergency care.

If reading these reasons has not convinced you and you still want to see if such services are offered in Kyiv or the region, be sure: a qualified surgeon will never do this. A dangerous service can be offered by an "experienced breeder" or a person who has not completed their veterinary training, which means that your pet's health and even life will be in great danger.

Why else is veterinary surgery not possible at home?

Just like in human medicine, veterinary surgery requires intubation, which is the insertion of a special tube into the trachea so that the patient breathes an oxygen mixture. Special equipment is available to supply it. Such measures are necessary to reduce the risk of respiratory arrest and vomit entering the airways. This is a bulky device that cannot be taken home with you. It is impossible to do without these devices, because it is necessary to minimize the possible danger.

Many people think that an operation on an animal at home will be cheaper than the same service in a veterinary clinic. There is no such division in our price list, since, as you have already understood, we do not perform operations at home. In pursuit of cheap services from unscrupulous veterinarians, you can pay the highest price - your pet's life.

You would certainly not agree to have your appendix removed on the kitchen table. Your pet also deserves a safe and effective surgery. We are waiting for you at Animal Clinic.

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